The LORD appeared to us in the past, saying: "I have loved you with an everlasting love; I have drawn you with loving-kindness. Jeremiah 31:3

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Go Eat Popcorn

I wanted to let everyone know (all two of you that actually read this blog! Ha! Thanks, SS and DH (smile) )that I will be starting a bible study, or more appropriately, Daily reading of the Word. I will be studying Go Eat Popcorn. My friend (momteacherfriend) is "in" a Bible reading group and they just finished the book of John. Now they are going to be reading Galatians, Ephesians and Philipians (hence the Go Eat Popcorn). I am excited about what great and wonderful things God will bring about in my life through this studying of His Word!

I was thinking just the other day that I need to physically read God's Word. At our church, since we meet in a movie theater, the scripture is on the screen. It's way too dark to try to follow along in your bible. I tried this for a few weeks when we started attending and gained a headache each time. So, I decided to just follow on the screen. But lately, my heart misses just sitting down and physically holding my Bible and reading out of it. Is that weird? In today's society, we can "hear" the Word in so many different ways, but for me, there is NO substitution for the mindset of sitting down to read my Bible.

1 comment:

Mindy Richmond said...

I know it's a bit late, but I may jump in on this study. I know what you are saying about sitting down and reading it yourself. I have seriously neglected this so maybe the study plan will give me the motivation to start back up again. Sometimes you just need a bit of a nudge and some direction to get back on track.