The LORD appeared to us in the past, saying: "I have loved you with an everlasting love; I have drawn you with loving-kindness. Jeremiah 31:3

Monday, July 24, 2006

The Innocence of a 2 1/2 year old!

I want to share with you a conversation that took place between myself and DS#1. IT may be a little explicit but I mean no disrespect to my son or anyone reading this. I found it hillarious! It will be a great story to share with his future wife! Here goes:
DS:"Mom-mom! Help me peese! Got pdsklfasj (unknown word) im my bahow. (butthole) Here look with dis." And he hands me the focusing-part of my Easy Show Projector from when I was a kid. [Now I know that there was no way he could know that it was a magnifying glass of sorts! We haven't been able to get the projector to work in over a year.]
Me:"What?!" As I turn to look at him, he is bent over. I never knew a kid could bend over so far that his place "where the sun don't shine" could actually be pointed to the heavens and the sun could shine on it! For it was pointed straight up! Trying not to show the fact that I was alarmed and chuckling, I said "Whoa there! Now what is going on?" At this point, he has my FULL attention.
DS:"I got something, a p-jklelshghn. Its in my bahow, mom-mom! GET IT OUT! PEESE! I looked and saw nothing. I said "Buddy, you're clean as a whistle. There's nothing there. What are you tryin' to say, though. Poopy, puddle, puzzle, potty..." I could tell the word was starting with a 'p'. He was getting frustrated. He said:"It has one, two, free legs, mom-mom! Look!" And woump! There he is bent over again! I said, "Buddy. Really, there is nothing there." DS:"Mom-mom!!! [then very slowly] it has one, two, free, four, fi, sick legs. [wiggles fingers like crawling bug legs].
Me:"Oh! You mean a spider!? No, honey. There's no spider on or in your butthole."
DS:"Uh huh! I can feel it! [bends over again and points] Right here!" At this point, his rear is again pointed skyward and he points to the wrinkly part.
Me(now laughing uncontrollably):"Buddy, you are fine. You have nothing to be scared of. That is your butthole. Its part of you and how God made you and me and all of us. Don't worry, honey. "
DS:"Ok, mom-mom. Need new diaper now."

Another thing happened today: I was in the bathroom. Usually my dear daughter comes in unannounced and uninvited. Today, much to my surprise, it was DS#1! He was mumbling something about his sister and the baby that I'm watching. I couldn't understand him, so I asked him to repeat. To which he said .[while tapping his index finger on his chin]Hmmm. [then scratches his head] Me no no (don't know) what me saying."

Too funny! I love my kids so much! I learn from them every day.


Kellie said...

You are one of the first to get me laughing on this blog thing. Great.

momteacherfriend said...

Sun shining where the sun don't shine...priceless. Funny too.